南非2013年版20分硬币South Africa 2013 edition 20 cents

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最早的土著居民是桑人、科伊人及后来南迁的班图人。1652年荷属东印度公司在好望角建立了开普殖民地,移居到这里的荷兰人, 逐渐形成布尔人民族。1806年,英国舰队夺取开普,并向内扩张,取代荷兰在此地的统冶。布尓人向北迁移,1852年建立布尔人德兰士瓦共和国。1854年又建立布尔人奧兰治自治省。1867年和1886年南非发现钻石和黄金后,大批欧洲移民蜂拥而至。英国人通过"英布战争"吞并了奥兰治自治省和德兰士瓦共和国。1910年5月英国将开普省、德兰士瓦省、纳塔尔省和奥兰治自由邦合并成南非联邦,成为英国的自治领地。1961年5月31日,南非退出英联邦,成立了南非共和国。1994年南非举行首次不分种族大选,这标志着种族隔离制度的结束和民主、平等新南非的诞生。



南非兰特由南非储备银行发行。1兰特=100分;此20分硬币,材质为铜;正面主图为南非共和国国徽、发行年份及国家名称;国徽图案中的太阳象征光明的前程,展翅的鹭鹰是上帝的代表,象征防卫的力量,取代鹭鹰双脚平放的长矛与圆头棒象征和平以及国防和主权,两个互相问候的人物图案象征团结,麦穗象征富饶、成长、人民的温饱以及农业特征;象牙象征智慧、力量、温和与永恒;两侧象牙下方的绶带书有国家格言"在多元中合一"。背面主图是植物和面额。South Africa's full name is "Republic of South Africa". Located in the southern hemisphere, it has the reputation of "rainbow country". It is located in the southernmost part of the African continent, bordering Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Swaziland in the north, and Lesotho in the middle,Making it the bigger of these countries;The average sunshine hours throughout the country are 7.5 ~ 9.5 hours, especially in April and May, so it is famous as "the country of the sun". Land area is 1219090 square kilometers; Population 56.52 million (2017); There are three capitals: administrative capital Tshwane, legislative capital Cape Town and judicial capital Bloemfontein which are the only countries in the world with three capitals. President;Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa.

The earliest aborigines were San, khoikhoi and Bantu who moved south later. In 1652, Dutch East India Company established Cape Colony in Cape of Good Hope. The Dutch who migrated here gradually formed the Boer nationality. In 1806, the British fleet seized Cape and expanded inward to replace Dutch rule here. The Boers moved northward and established the Republic of dranswa in 1852. In 1854, the Boers Autonomous Province of Orange was established. After the discovery of diamonds and gold in South Africa in 1867 and 1886,a large number of European immigrants poured in. The British annexed the orange free state and the Republic of delanswa through "Anglo-Boer War ". In May 1910, the United Kingdom merged Cape province, delanswa province ,natal province and orange free state into the South African Union, which became the autonomous territory of the United Kingdom. On May 31, 1961, South Africa withdrew from the Commonwealth and established the Republic of South Africa. The first non-racial election was held in South Africa in 1994, which marked the end of apartheid and the birth of a democratic and equal new South Africa.

New South Africa pursues an independent and all-round foreign policy and advocates maintaining and developing bilateral friendly relations with all countries on the basis of respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual benefit. It is a member of international organizations or multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, the African Union, the Commonwealth (rejoined in 1994) and the Group of Twenty. South Africa and China established diplomatic relations on January 1, 1998.

South Africa is the second largest economy in Africa. Has been identified as a medium-sized power in international affairs; Is a founding member of the World Trade Organization (WTO); One of the world's five largest mineral resource countries. Platinum group metals, fluorite and chromium rank first in the world, gold, vanadium, manganese and zirconium rank second, titanium ranks fourth, phosphate ore, uranium, lead and antimony rank fifth, coal and zinc rank eighth and copper ninth. Deep well mining and other technologies occupy a leading position in the world. The world's largest gold producer and exporter; The world's major DIA producers account for 8.7% of the world's output. The export volume of cane sugar ranks first in the world. The world's fourth largest sheep wool exporter; The telecommunication development level ranks 20th in the world. The world heritage site-"cradle of mankind", the famous scenic spot stockfontaine cave, and the "Mrs price" (skull of a primitive man 3 million years ago) discovered in 1936 were considered to be the closest evidence of "missing link" discovered by mankind at that time.

The South African rand is issued by the South African Reserve Bank. 1 rand =100 cents; This 20 cents coin is made of copper. The front main picture shows the national emblem of the Republic of South Africa, the year of issue and the name of the country. The sun in the design of the national emblem symbolizes a bright future, the heron eagle spreading its wings is the representative of god, symbolizing the power of defense, replacing the spear and round head stick with the heron eagle's feet flat, symbolizing peace, national defense and sovereignty, the two greeting figures symbolize unity, and the wheat spike symbolizes richness, growth, food and clothing of the people and agricultural characteristics. Ivory symbolizes wisdom, strength, gentleness and eternity. The ribbon book under the ivory on both sides has the national motto "Unity in Diversity". The main picture on the back shows plants and denominations.



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